The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing! Part 7: The Blood

The Main Thing is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing! Part 7: The blood

Ill. Sunday, August 17 almost I month ago on Sunday morning pre service prayer time I was at this altar with eyes closed I saw a vision in my mind and wrote this down.

“As I see myself coming to God’s throne – I felt wetness on my feet. I look down and see blood. My feet are covered with the blood of Jesus.”

          It was strange to me – but I kept it to myself and wrote it in my journal. Several days later I read in a book a prophetic word and recalled my vision. This is part of what it said:

“My child walk in My footsteps, live in My shoes. This is your place of safety because I am bigger than anything or anyone you will ever face. This is your place of provision, for you will work in My increase for your life. This is your place of expansion, for I am growing you to fit the anointing that I have set aside for you. You have power to stand in Me. My strength in yours as you walk in Me. Walking in bloody foot steps, your sins are forgiven and your weaknesses are covered. Enjoy this life. Be a child in Me. Speak to your enemy, your detractors, your problems with the same confident word. . . ‘My God is bigger than you.’ It will always and ever, be true.”


Life with God begins with a revelation from God about God.

          This profound revelation of God is that He is Perfect love loving you not based on your performance or behavior. Even while you were sinning He loved you perfectly.

Ill. Jesus told Peter He would deny Him but Peter didn’t think that was possible until he did. Jesus knew Peter would fail but chose Him anyway. After this He still helped Peter fulfill his destiny. Why? Because God’s love is not based on our performance – it’s based on our relationship by our faith in His blood.

God’s mercies are always greater than our sins!

          I read recently often where translators translate the word “mercy” for the Lord’s mercy it is often translated in English as singular or mercy. But in the original Hebrew God’s mercy is not a singular noun but rather mercies. It is actually mercies – plural. It means God’s mercy is more than mercy. It is so great, so strong and so deep it cannot be contained in a singular word. It means His mercy has no end.

          However the word for sin in Hebrew is singular but the word for the Lord’s mercies is always plural. What this tell us is, no matter how great my sin is, the mercy of God is always greater. He will always have more mercies than you have sin.

It’s like this. When you get the revelation of God’s love for you it cause you to think differently about God (repentance) Then with FAITH you

“Come boldly to the throne of grace that you may receive MERCIES and FIND GRACE to help in time of need.” Heb. 4:16

You are now saved, born again and you know it. Life is great. Your conscience it clear – you know you are forgiven. For a while it seems like life could not be better. If you would look down you could see in the Spirit – your feet are covered in blood.

Then something happens and you find yourself back in sin doing the very thing you swore you would never do again! You beat yourself up.

How do you view God when you fall back into sin?

(Your answer reveals your theology.)

How quick do you bounce back? Most of us view ourselves like Peter did after He swore he would never deny Christ but he did.

Did Peter repent of his sin? Sure he did but it wasn’t enough!

He got depressed. He gave up trying anymore – He quit going to God – He was ready to quit fellowship with the other disciples. Least of all – He was too ashamed to see Jesus again. He repented – He was sorry – but that in itself was not enough. But he was still stuck!

True repentance will always bring you face to face with God.

– He was sorry but this is where he got stuck. Some of you are spiritually stuck too. There is nothing wrong with being sorry for our sin – just that is not enough! Move on to faith towards God.

Ill. If you stay depressed for a long time after you sinned and confessed your sin then you are trying to pay guilt payments. Your repentance it not enough to bring you face to face with God. If it did you would be rejoicing by now.

You trying to pay penance when your bill is already paid.

Today if you offer an animal sacrifice to atone for your sins – it would be a dead work. We don’t have to do this anymore. However many people who claim to be believers are still offering God dead works to atone for their sins.


Ill. Ill. Philipino Catholics flog themselves on Good Friday.

PIC: Flogging

-         In Rome stairs crawl on knees until bloody. I don’t know Motives?

-         In Mexico good Friday some flog their backs till blood pours – others walk on knees till bloody and even some nailed to a cross –

-         You may not be this extreme but still some learned religious ritual that is nothing more than offering dead works!


 “Let’s leave the elementary basic teachings like

“Repentance from dead works and of faith towards God.” Heb. 6:1

          Repentance FROM  then faith  TOWARDS GOD

There is nothing wrong with you– there’s just something missing.

Now Jesus (1st NT prophet) preaches “repent for KOG is here right now without you doing anything to deserve it. ” His word for repentance was different from all OT people.

Repent = change your mind for something better is here.

So Jesus statement was radical and still is! Jesus hasn’t gone to the cross yet but He is preaching as if it is already done! It is.

What was missing? You don’t believe the good news is that good!

What difference does the Jesus make for you?  

OT Law         NT Grace

    DO                 DONE


Repentance without Faith Towards God is a dead work.

          Today if you offer an animal sacrifice to atone for your sins – it would be a dead work. We don’t have to do this anymore. However many people who claim to be believers are still offering God dead works to atone for their sins.

You may think this is not a big deal but it is much more serious than you are thinking. Listen to God in Hebrews:

“Think how much more severe the punishment on those, who have trampled upon the Son of God and regarded His blood as common and has insulted the Spirit of Grace?”  Hebrews 10:29


The Main thing is to keep the Main Thing the Main Thing Part 8: Freedom to Worship God


The Main Thing Part 6: God’s Business First