GOD’S Math Number 10

GOD’S Math Number 10

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

When GOD uses numbers it is convey a special meaning associated with the number. For example: Book of numbers.

Ill. JESUS resurrected appears on the beach after disciples fished all night and caught nothing. Suddenly a strange man appears on the beach and yells “Children, have you caught any fish?” no. “throw the net on the right side and you will find some!” They did and John 21:11 records Peter dragged the net full of 153 large fish.

If the LORD supplies a miracle then HE also supplies the ability to receive it. 300 – 600 lbs. show the strength of Peter.

Joshua 6:15 walk around Jericho 7 days and on 7th day 7 times.

40 days it rained on earth – flood of Noah.

Moses spent 40 days twice alone with GOD.

JESUS tempted 40 days .

For example:

1 is the number for GOD: Deut. 6:4 Shema

2 is the number for faithful witness or testimony- Jn 8:17

3 is the number for divine completion: Trinity

4 is the number for the earth.

5 is the number for grace: David 5 stones

6 is the number for man – created on 6th day.

7 completion. Week. 7 feasts. 7 Spirits of GOD.

8 new beginnings. 7 is the completion and 8 is new.

9 is completion of judgment. 9th hour JESUS on cross.

10 is GOD’S number for setting things up for HIS purposes.

A divine ordering of things to happen. GOD governing.

The number 10 is used 242 times in the Bible making it one of the most used numbers in the bible.

JESUS’ parables of ten talents and ten virgins.

When GOD wants to start something new HE uses number ten.

          Ill. Pharoah thought he was god over the Israelites. GOD used ten plagues to show him that GOD has a divine order for things to happen.

10 plagues on Egypt and Egyptian gods:

1.    Water to blood – god of water Hapi

2.    Frogs – goddess fertility w/head of frog.

3.    Lice – god of dust of the earth.

4.    Flies – god with head of a fly.

5.    Death of cattle – goddess of protection.

6.    Boils – goddess of medicine.

7.    Hail – goddess of the sky.

8.    Locust from sky – god of sky

9.    3 days darkness – god of the sun

10.  Death firstborn – Pharaoh as a god.

Ten times GOD hardened Pharoah’s heart.

“Because all those men seeing My glory and My signs which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness and have tempted ME now these ten times . . . they will not see the promise land.” Numbers 14:22-23

 it is recorded the ten times Israel tempted GOD while in the wilderness.

GOD gave Israel 10 commandments – in Exodus 20 divine order.

JEWS know there are 613 laws in the Torah (teaching, instruction).

Ill. Interesting to know there are 613 seeds in a pomegranate.


“Make pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe, with gold bells between them." (Ex 28:35)

-         Bells remind the priests of the presence of GOD with him.

-         Pomegranates – abundance of fruitfulness GOD will bring.

Ill. Interesting to note that Nazareth in the days when JESUS was growing up was a place of pomegranate orchards. They still make wine from the pomegranates there.

Noah was the tenth generation from Adam when GOD destroyed the world and started over with a new divine order.

GOD established the Tithe (10) as belonging to the LORD.

GOD gave us 10 fingers – HE has works for you to do.  Goliath 6.

GOD gave us 10 toes – HE has a walk for you to walk.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: And he delighteth in his way.”  Psalm 37:23

In the Last days the Antichrist’s world power is composed of ten kingdoms, symbolized by ten toes on the feet of the image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2:41. Later Daniel has a vision of ten horns on a beast.

In Matthew 25 JESUS teaches the parable of the ten virgins.

5 wise and 5 foolish and not ready. 50% of people?

“Five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps but took no oil with them. But the wise took jars of oil with them.” Matt. 25:2-4

          Ill. None of us know how long it will be before the 2nd coming. But by not bringing extra oil they were putting a time limit on the LORD or presuming they knew when HE would return.

Point: We must be willing to go on as long as the LORD wants us to go on. Don’t let me stop short or quit too soon or put on limit on how far I will go with GOD. We often want to quit too soon before HE is finished with us. Help me not to presume upon YOU LORD. Help me finish well.

Finally in Romans 8:38-39 proclaims the security of a true child of GOD and the confidence we are to have in HIM:

“For I am persuaded that neither

1.    Death

2.    Life

3.    Angels

4.    Principalities

5.    Powers

6.    Things present

7.    Things to come

8.    Nor height

9.    Nor depth

10.  Nor any other creature,

Shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD which is in CHRIST JESUS our LORD.” Romans 8:38-39

10 is GOD’S number for setting things up for HIS purposes.

A divine ordering of things to happen. GOD governing.

Concl: If you see number 10 a lot it could be GOD letting you know that He is governing things according to HIS order how they have to happen.


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