Accessing the Throne of Grace Series: #5 The Anointing of Grace  

Accessing the Throne of Grace Series: #5 The Anointing of Grace  

“Let us then come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb. 4:16

This grace is the power of the Helper, the HOLY SPIRIT, the Anointing.

-         The Anointing is in every born-again Christian – I John 2:20

-         The Anointing is the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, “Helper”.

-         You can yield, or grieve, or quench the Anointing.

Prior to the New Covenant the HS would light upon people to do supernatural things but then lift off afterwards.

          Example: HS came upon King Saul, and he prophesied like prophets, but scripture says later HS left him and a demon spirit tormented him ( I Sam. 16:14).

          David was Anointed to lead Israel but later prayed Psalm 51:11.

          Samson had the Anointing but also lost it (Judges 16:11).


“I saw the SPIRIT come down from heaven as a dove and remain on HIM.” John 1:32

The dove was at home with JESUS. JESUS never grieved HIM away.

Today born-again believers have the HOLY SPIRIT!

JESUS said, “I will never leave nor forsake you.” “Remember I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

The FATHER is in heaven seated on the throne.

JESUS is seated at the right hand of the FATHER.

HOLY SPIRIT is living in through born-again people now.

HE wants you to seat HIM on the throne of your heart now.

Your relationship with GOD today is via the HOLY SPIRIT.

How well do you know HOLY SPIRIT? 

How can you get to know the HOLY SPIRIT?

1.    HIS WORD – feed to discern how HE leads.

2.    HIS Ways – discern when Anointing leads and lifts.

How spiritually mature are you? (the gap?)

How long does it take you to discern HS and obey HIS lead?

How long does it take you between sin and repentance?

Ill. Example: How long does it take you to admit you were wrong? How long does it take you to apologize? For some, hours, days, months or years?

HOLY SPIRIT flows like wind, water and oil.

PIC: Zech 4

Warning to Christians: “Do not grieve the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger . . . along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in CHRIST GOD forgave you.”  Eph. 4:30-32

The chief way of grieving HS is by unforgiveness or bitterness which will cause the anointing to lift, because you will not yield to HIM.

But when the dove remains, you find grace to forgive and not throw up someone’s past. Like medicine you may have to take the rest of your life, so also is forgiveness, otherwise the anointing of grace lifts.

The moment the Anointing lifts, (due to grieving HS),  the flesh pours in to take the lead! 

With the Anointing you do what is unnaturally supernatural (SPIRIT).  

Without the Anointing you do what is natural (flesh).

GOD will let us experience what life is like with HIM leading and what it is like without HIM leading.

GOD”S WORD tells us the things that GOD likes, compassion on people, forgiveness, mercy, love that reaches out to help. HE also tells us things HE hates, backbiting, gossip, slander, unforgiveness, grudges, pride, etc.

I think the sins of the church are far worse than sins of the world. The world sin without having the knowledge of GOD that we have for the most part. But the church sins in full awareness of GOD and that HE sees and hears all our conversations – yet we act like HE doesn’t.

“HE that planted the ear, shall HE not hear? HE that formed the eye, shall HE not see?” Psalm 94:8

Ill. One day a lover of GOD named JOB lost everything dear to him. He was grieving until his church friends showed up then things got worse.

“Why is GOD doing this to me?” – no answer is satisfactory to a grieving person at that moment.

          Instead his church friends tried to get JOB to confess some sin because bad things don’t happen to godly people! This caused him more grief.

          Job shifted to blame GOD. “This is not fair. GOD is not right to do this to me.” Then everything got quiet, and the LORD answered out of a whirlwind. HE did not answer Job’s questions or explain HIMSELF to JOB. Instead for 4 chapters GOD asked JOB questions that JOB did not know the answers to like:

Where were you when I formed the earth? Did you shut the sea with doors to stop from flooding the earth? Do you know where light comes from? Have you visited the storehouses of snow? Does the eagle soar at your command? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons? Will he who argues with the ALMIGHTY instruct HIM? Stand up like a man and I will ask you some questions!”  Job 38-42  (GOD’S 77 questions).

Job humbles himself and repents and GOD restored everything that Satan stole from him.

Every time people see the glory of GOD they humble themselves

and repent:

-         Job – Job 42:5

-         Isaiah – Isaiah 6

-         Abraham – Gen. 17

-         Moses – Ex. 3

-         Joshua – Josh. 5

Ill. I’ve heard people say things like, “When I get to heaven I am going to ask GOD why He let this or that happen. Why didn’t He intervene. But no one will be standing in line to ask GOD these questions. Finally we will see that GOD knows what HE is doing and fall on our faces and say, “GOD thank YOU that I did not ask that stupid question!”

Conclusion: ill. I’ve never seen GOD physically or heard HIM audibly. But I’ve had some wonderful times of experiencing HIS glory. Every time I fell on my face with repentance and humility and awe of HIM.


Hindrances to Relationship - Eddie and Beth Taylor


Eliminating Hurry! Message 4: Surrendering Control