Eliminating the Hurry Addiction #5

Eliminating the Hurry Addiction #5

“Walk with ME, work with ME – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace . . .”  Matthew 11:29 Message Bible

I became a hurry addict long before I was aware of it.

Occasionally I relapse and catch myself speeding like I need to hurry when I have no reason to be in a hurry.

          Ill. Like driving to work and I know it’s 45 speed limit but I like to push it to 55 but suddenly I see a police car and tap on the brakes and watching in my rearview mirror I breathe a sigh of relief when I see he is still parked on the side of the road.

-         I am not paying attention, but I am causing myself anxiety by not going the speed limit. I am more relaxed driving the speed limit.

          Waiting in line at the grocery store. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see a new register about to open up. I make a mad dash for that register hopefully to beat out all the others looking to beat me!

          Ask yourself, “Why am I in such a hurry?”

-         Maybe I’ve been driving a long time and I am in a hurry to get home so I can sit some more in my easy chair?

-         Getting to be first in line at the grocery will store will enable me to win an award for best time management for the day?

-         Even in preparing this teaching for tonight there is a little squirrel inside saying to me, “Hurry up and get this message prepared?”  

Addiction to hurry test:

1.    You are behind a driver who has not noticed that the light has turned green. How do you respond?

a.    Give them a moment to notice the light has changed.

b.    Blow your horn immediately.

c.     Blow your horn and express your irritation verbally.

2.    You are in a slow-moving grocery line with time to spare. What are you most likely to do?

a.    Engage in conversation with someone.

b.    Look for a faster moving line.

c.     Become irritated.

3.    In conversing with others, how often do you interrupt them in mid-sentence?

a.    Not very often.

b.    Some of the time.

c.     Very often.

4.    How much time do you devote to prayer and meditation on the WORD?

a.    At least an hour?

b.    Half an hour.

c.     Less than a half hour.

I believe the quality of our remaining life on earth will be greatly determined with how well we adjust our pace to the leading of Holy SPIRIT.

Scriptures to measure your pace:

“I leave the gift of peace with you – MY peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but by MY perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts – instead be courageous.” John 14:27 TPT

There is a deep soul peace that Xns are entitled to. It defies understanding but you must claim it.

“Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed ONE, Who called you to peace as part of HIS one body.”  Col. 3:15 TPT

“Now may the LORD HIMSELF, the LORD of peace, pour into you HIS peace in every circumstance and in every possible way. The LORD’S tangible presence be with you all.”  2 Thes. 3:16 TPT

You have the anointing to experience the peace of GOD in any situation, no matter how trying it may be.

Measure your pace using the following version of the 23rd psalm by Toki


The Lord is my pacesetter, I shall not rush.

He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals.

He provides me with images of stillness,

which restore my serenity. He leads me in

ways of efficiency, through calmness of mind,

and HIS guidance is peace. Even though I have

a great many things to accomplish this day,

I will not fret, for HIS presence is with me,

HIS all-importance will keep me in balance.

HE prepares refreshment and renewal in the

midst of my activity by anointing my head with

the oil of tranquility, my cup of joyous energy

overflows. Surely harmony and effectiveness

shall be the fruits of my hours, for I shall walk

in the pace of my LORD, and dwell in HIS house


Why are we addicted to feel we have to run everywhere?

We run to get things done. Accomplishing things makes us feel good.

We run because the clock is running. Where has the time gone?

We run because we have too much to do. Dropping some things?

We run to catch up. We feel we are falling behind schedule.

We run to avoid being late. Time management problem?

We run because we feel pushed to get things done.

We run because we feel the pressure of the world around us trying to  conform us into its mold.

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the HOLY SPIRIT through a total reformation of HOW YOU THINK. This will empower you to discern GOD’S will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in HIS eyes.” Romans 12:2 TPT

You will have to be intentional about eliminating hurry and you must start with your thoughts and your mouth:

“Be quick to listen, but slow to speak. And be slow to become angry, for human anger is never a legitimate tool to promote GOD’S righteous purpose.”  James 1:19 TPT


Drinking from Jacobs well or JESUS’ well?


 Unconditional Surrender